Some more words from DaTechGuy

"I’ve written quite a bit about Katherine Jenerette’s campaign for the SC-1 seat for a guy who lives in north central Massachusetts, but if you want to actually hear what she has to say in her own words in front of the voters who will actually decide if she will represent them, here is your chance..."
DaTechGuy goes on to say...
"For someone who has been fighting planned parenthood in Fitchburg, words like this are music to my ears. I must admit I have a soft spot for her, particularity when I see comments like this on articles"
 "Ironic. If the Cradle-to-Grave-ObamaCare goes down in flames, it won’t be due to powerful Washington players or big money.
It will be the voices of thousands of unborn children and some brave Congressman who stood their ground concerning Federal Funding with Tax Dollars and those unborn children.
Babies and Taxes Dollars and Power. Who would have thought it?"- -Katherine's comment in response to the FITS article

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